It was her Birthday. 21st Birthday on last Tuesday, but we celebrated on Friday cos she had to celebrate with her uni frens. :)

Heng Yi-Yun.
Friend since.... kindergarden? hahaha we actually come from the same kindergarden but wasn't tat close until.... secondary sch. anyway, i m glad tat we r close fren now. hehe! xxx years.... n still couting yea..... ^^ hope u did enjoy ur birthday dinner!

Craft Brews.
The food was so so only. It is more to a place for u to chill n drink i think.
a pic with birthday gal.
LOL. this.... Ex was doing the horny look when i asked him to take pic with me
couldnt control...i laughed non stop when i looked at him.
after few attempts, finally we took a nice one. ehhee
Her presents-- MPH cash voucher and LANCOME perfume (",)
♥ I-Yen, 4eva Iyen!
Wendy baobei back to KL!!after so long.... 1 month plus i think...
gotta catch up with her. when she was in kt, she almost lost contact with everyone. LOL
Well, after the dinner, wendy n i sent birthday gal back to her hostel.
we had a short yum char session near her hostel. a quick one but it's better than none right?=D
Can I skippppp post about Xin's birthday n Melaka trip first?
cos tat will be slightly longer....but i definitely will update about it i promise :)
Well.. i go out EVERYDAY this week. actually.... since last friday, i practically go out every single day. like from morning- evening/night. SWT -.-" super broke la me now.

::How how, Lui , Krystal(night)
::BBQ Plaza - "Being Human"- Sushi Zanmai - Murni Discovery
consequences= gain weight! i dun dare to weighed myself dy..... *.*

::JaymeeLEr, Eileen, Bei yan, Zhi + Wkiat
::Commisioner of Oath & Certify documents(for letter of good conduct)
Hehe. Saw the "Monopoly Deal"? i kinda like the game now. thinking to get myself one... cos it is so small n convenient to bring around. :):):) It helped us to kill our time effectively while we were waiting for the commissioner for 2 hours.
Putra Jaya

::JaymeeLEr, Ei leen, Zhi, Bei yan, Wkiat + Eugene(later)
::Letter of Good conduct, Mv(lunch & When in Rome)
I drove Alphard tat day to save petrol la... no need TWO cars when there were 6 people. weeee!
wkiat... heheh so sweet ahhhhhh.... hehehhe
my special "be" fren. =P
Weeeeee lunch with soon they all!:):):)
It has been so so super long since i meet up with the extremely busy ChuaGeohSoon. ishhh!
i guess it is really hard to go out with a medic student. =.="

::Movie "How to train your dragon" 3D, Snowflakes, Curve-Ikea-Ikano(with ei leen)
I love tat movie! awwwww... i really love it! i teared at one part...3D damn nice! ehhehe ^^
Tried Snowflakes's "Japan combo" with ocha balls. not bad actually. i think those who like green tea will love it! hhehe but i personally prefer taro balls.
Has been seeing Ei leen for 4 days straight.. 2moro she going back to penang. wonder will i miss her or not? ahahahhaa TanEiLeen :P
raining raining...SLEEP!xD
btw, i really wanna go singapore.
anyone? plan for me? i dunno how. =/
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